Friday, December 30, 2011

Free Weight Lifting Workout Plan

!±8± Free Weight Lifting Workout Plan

Actually, the title of this article can be viewed a couple of different ways.

For example, this workout plan is set up for the use of free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, and it is also a free workout plan dealing with weight lifting. Let's talk about both of these views for a moment.

First, however, this free weight lifting workout plan is intended for those who presently have very little or no experience with weight lifting, weight training, or other forms of progressive resistance training. So if you do already have experience, you won't find anything new here. These are just the basics to get folks started.

Next, let's very briefly discuss this idea of weight lifting, or more accurately, weight training for purposes of health, fitness, and weight loss. People tend to get confused, you know, by all the different terms - bodybuilding, weight lifting, weight training, progressive resistance training, and so on. Well, while you can "lift weights" in any of these, "weight lifting" is generally a particular type of competition and probably NOT what you are interested in at this level.

Maybe later you will be, but for the moment we will stick with basics.

Bodybuilding is also something done mainly by means of "lifting weights" but may also be done with other forms of progressive resistance training, such as with the Bowflex exercise machine. Again, this may become a goal someday, but it too is specialized and still requires some basic "weight training" or "progressive resistance training" to build the basic structure which the bodybuilder molds into competition form.

What we are going to talk about is "weight training" with a workout using free weights as a means of achieving health, fitness, weight loss, enhanced sports performance, or as a basis for future training for and participation in weight lifting or bodybuilding.

Before we get to the actual workout, two last points:

1. Make sure you get your doctor's approval before beginning any new exercise program.

2. Take it easy. The goal is to train your body from the inside out, and this takes time. Two of the most common reasons people fail to stick with any exercise program, whether weight lifting, running, or yoga, is that they try to do too much too fast, and/or they expect too much too soon.

It took your body years to get out of shape or get into whatever shape it is currently in. It cannot be whipped back into shape in a few days or weeks. The changes you are hoping for will come over time as you regularly perform your weight lifting workout plan. The changes will also be mostly invisible at first, so don't be upset if you don't get bulging biceps, or drop a dress size, after only a couple of weeks. In fact, a program such as this may actually sometimes seem to be moving you in the wrong direction at first. If you give it time and stick with it, however, it WILL work.

You may have to adjust starting weights at first, but, a trip to Walmart can get the ladies a pair of dumbbells weighing 1 or 3 lbs each. Men might want to start with 5 to 10 lbs. Don't overestimate your fitness level. If, after a couple of workouts you find that the idea of doing another workout is too tedious, it may be that your weights are too heavy and you may need to drop back a little. Don't worry, you are still improving your body. People have started effective weight training programs lifting 10 ounce cans of Campbell soup. One man I knew was so weak at first that he bought a set of barbells, but could only exercise with the bar itself at weights on it. Later, his picture was appearing in muscle mags.

By the way, I prefer dumbbells because they require a little more action out of supporting muscles and muscle groups that don't get quite the same workout with barbells...and they are easier to store and travel with.


The basic goal is to start performing the following exercises three times a week, with at least one rest day between two exercise days. The most common schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but you can do Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday if that fits your schedule better. If you miss a day, don't worry about it. If you miss two or more days, just get back onto your schedule as quickly as you can. You might have to drop the weight or repetitions back a little when you get back to your workout. Do NOT workout if sick.

Start your new workout plan with one set of ten reps for each exercise. A rep, or repetition, is each complete exercise movement. A set is a collection of repetitions. One press or curl equals a rep. Ten presses, and then taking a rest comprises one set of ten reps. After completion of each set, rest for approximately one minute before beginning the next set.

After two weeks, add a second set of reps. After two weeks at that level, add a third set of reps. After two weeks at that level, increase each weight by a pound or two and drop the repetitions to eight or even six if eight is too much. Every week or so, raise the repetitions back up until you are at ten repetitions again. If this progression is too fast, maybe you can increase the first set week by week until you are at ten reps and then begin increasing the second set until you get to ten, and so on. Some dumbbells come in fixed weights, and you may be stuck with 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. Some, however, are adjustable, but again, you can usually only adjust upward 5 pounds at a time, although there are some 1 1/4 pound plates which would allow you to increase 2 1/2 pounds at a time. Drop the reps, and if necessary, the sets, until you can begin raising reps and sets back up again.

Everyone is different, so take your time and try to pay attention to what works well for you. If you start getting that sluggish, stale feeling like you are slogging through each workout or that it is becoming something you dread, your body may be trying to tell you that you are trying to progress too rapidly. Back off a level or two, or even take a day off, and then go back to the workout routine. It doesn't hurt to take a day off once in a while, either. Professionals may need to never miss a training day, but your goal is to make this a lifetime behavioral change, and getting fed up with it will not help.


Always warm up before any exercise period.

1. The press: Stand with feet shoulder width apart (vary for comfort), dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing inward, and alternately raise and lower each dumbbell overhead. Works the triceps (back of arms), deltoids (shoulder), trapezius (neck to shoulder), and upper portions of the chest and back. If you are having to throw the dumbbell up, the weight is too heavy. The motion should be smooth and controlled going up and going down.

2. The curl: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells hanging at sides. Alternately curl each dumbbell upward to the shoulder (palm facing your shoulder) and back down. Works the biceps (front of arm) muscle...the one you ask the girls to feel when you flex! Again, if you are having to arch your back or throw the weight upwards, it is too heavy. You need to be able to always control the progress upwards and downwards.

3. Bench press: If you have a bench, great. I still have the one my father built for me when I was 15 years old (47 years ago). If you do not have a bench, you can do a little of this on the floor, or, with lighter weights, using a couple of pillows. However, I do recommend getting some sort of bench to do this on. If you decide to get into weight lifting or bodybuilding, you WILL NEED a good bench designed for this, or go to a gym that has one.

Lie on your back with a dumbbell in each hand and press (raise) the weights straight up and lower them again. Try to let your elbows go down as far as they comfortably can on either side. This works the pectorals, the big muscles of the chest, the triceps, and the front of the deltoids.

NOTE TO THE LADIES: This does NOT increase breast size. However, it DOES increase the size of the muscle pad underneath the breast, helping to raise and support your bosom, making it LOOK like your breast size has increased. Also, regular exercise does away with excess fat around the breast, allowing it to appear to "stand out" more. Improved health and fitness due to exercise will also cause you to straighten up and pull your shoulders back, raising your bustline even more.

4. Rowing motion: One hand at a time. Bend over and rest the hand without the weight against a support, such as a chair seat, or the bench, if you have one. Leg nearest the support arm should be forward, other leg back. Let the weight hang and then, using the back and shoulder muscles, raise the weight smoothly to your chest and lower it just as smoothly. Once you have completed one set with one hand, switch off and do the same with the other hand. This works the latissimus dorsi (V-shaped muscles along the upper outside of the back), and the back of the deltoid.

5. Squat/Deadlift: I like to do this as a deadlift because I have osteoarthritis and it is easier for me to do the movement that way. It also allows me to exercise my lower back a little at the same time.

- Squat: Hold both dumbbells at shoulder level. Rest your heels on a small book or piece of wood about 1" thick and squat. Do NOT go beyond about half way as this can cause knee damage. If you want to get serious about exercising your legs, go to a gym and use their leg press machine. If you are not sure how far to go, do this exercise in front of a chair and sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, etc., making sure you are having your legs do the work smoothly. No thrusting upward or falling down into the seat. Control the movement all the way. This mainly works the quadriceps (big muscles in the front of the thighs), and the "glutes" or gluteus maximus (buttocks).

- Deadlift: Hold both dumbbells so they hang at your side. Squat as above. trying not to let the dumbbells pull you forward. There will be a tendency towards a little more forward movement than with the squat itself, and you may have to bend your back a little more. Be careful with this and be sure that you are not bending way over and putting a big strain on your lower back muscles as they try to straighten you back up.

6. Toe raises: Holding the dumbbells at shoulder level, place your feet about six to eight inches apart with toes pointed slightly inward. Raise yourself up on your toes and lower your heels back to the floor, Stay in control and make it smooth. There will be a slight tendency at first to lose your balance. You can increase the effectiveness by putting the ball of your foot on that board you had under your heels for the squat. This works the gastrocnemius and soleus (calf muscles).

7. Crunches: Lay on your back with your hands beside your head - not behind - or crossed on your chest. Bring your feet up towards your buttocks, and put them (the feet - stop laughing) flat on the floor. At the start of each rep, flatten the lower back against the floor and curl the upper body upwards in one smooth movement. At the top of each curl, briefly attempt to raise the body a little more. Lower the body back down. If the hands are placed behind the head, there is a tendency to pull on the head, and this can cause injury and does nothing to help the exercise. Crunches, or curl-ups as they are sometimes called, work the rectus abdominis (abdominal muscles).

The field of weight training, much less exercise in general, is very broad, and one of the major benefits of weight lifting for fitness is that there are innumerable specific variations on these basic exercises which can be used to target specific muscles or muscle groups, and a broad range of exercise equipment has sprung up to help bodybuilders and weightlifters in their pursuit of higher levels of performance or form. If you desire to go further in these areas, you will need a lot more guidance than is available here.

However, for the moment, this free weight lifting workout plan is enough to get you started.

Free Weight Lifting Workout Plan

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Concept 2 Rowing Machine.wmv

If you love to have rowing as a way to keep in shape, or total work-out exercise, the Concept2 Model D indoor rowing machine is the answer! Rowing offers several benefits over other exercises: it exercises your entire body, including the arms, legs, chest, back, and abs; It burns tons of calories and push muscle groups to exercise optimally.

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WaterRower Natural Rowing Machine in Ash Wood with S4 Monitor

!±8±WaterRower Natural Rowing Machine in Ash Wood with S4 Monitor

Brand : Water Rower
Rate :
Price : Too low to display
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 15:26:00
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The WaterRower Natural is handcrafted from solid Ash wood, finished with a honey oak stain and danish oil. The WaterRower's patented WaterFlywheel has been specifically designed to emulate the dynamics of a boat moving though water and is unsurpassed in its simulation of the physical and physiological benefits of rowing.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

WaterRower Club Rowing Machine in Ash Wood with S4 Monitor

!±8± WaterRower Club Rowing Machine in Ash Wood with S4 Monitor

Brand : Water Rower | Rate : | Price : $1,095.00
Post Date : Dec 20, 2011 05:57:36 | Usually ships in 3-4 business days

  • Handcrafted rowing machine with "water flywheel" that replicates actual rowing feel
  • Flywheel sits in enclosed water tank to provide smooth, quiet, self-regulated resistance
  • Series 4 performance monitor tracks workout intensity, stroke rate, heart rate, and more
  • Solid ash construction absorbs sound and vibration; designed for high-traffic areas
  • Stores upright; measures 84 x 21 x 22 inches (W x H x D) and weighs 117 pounds

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WaterRower Club Rowing Machine in Ash Wood with S4 Monitor

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Secret of Using Elliptical Machines to Lose Weight

!±8± The Secret of Using Elliptical Machines to Lose Weight

You have to get in line at the elliptical machines in health clubs. That's because everyone is reaping the benefits of these effective aerobic exercisers. Beginners like to use them because there is virtually no learning curve like some other pieces of exercise equipment.

More advanced athletes like them because they are able to enhance their athletic performance and boost their fitness levels. In fact you may have even read that the very fit Tiger Woods uses an elliptical trainer as a part of his workout routine.

So how can elliptical machines be used by beginners and elite athletes? The secret is found in three important words that are foundational to aerobic exercise:

frequency duration intensity

Understanding these three words makes all the difference in the world between making progress toward higher levels of fitness and staying stuck being overweight and out of shape.

Frequency. You can't use an elliptical just when you feel like it if you want to lose belly fat and improve your overall general health and fitness. You're going to have to use one at least three times each week. Exercising more frequently and including cross training will get you to your goals more quickly.

Duration. I see people get on an elliptical trainer for five minutes, get off, and go hang around some weight machines. They believe they have gotten their aerobic exercise for that day. It doesn't work that way. You have to perform aerobic exercise for at least twenty minutes for aerobic benefits. This is the minimum. As your fitness improves you can increase this and see even more results.

Intensity. This is the real secret. If you aren't working out with enough intensity you're really wasting your time. Most people really miss it here. They get on the elliptical and barely move. You've got to work out hard enough to raise your heart rate to see the benefits. In fact some even come equipped with heart rate monitors to help make sure you achieve your goals. Also, don't try to read a book and exercise at the same time. Put all your efforts into having the best workout possible.

You can play around with the three variables of frequency, duration, and intensity for more variety in your workouts. Don't ever go below the minimum and avoid overtraining as well. You'll see results!

Ellipticals are so effective for reaching weight loss and fitness goals that people are using them at home.

The Secret of Using Elliptical Machines to Lose Weight

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rowing Machine Benefits

Are the rowing machines the real deal? Are them as effective as many people say they are? Who can a rowing machine benefits me? Go to, and see how a rowing machine can benefit you.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rowing Machine - The 2nd date above beef groups exercised. The second stage of the rowing machine exercise is primarily focussed on core stabilisation . The muscle groups worked here are abdominals and lower back , with your quads, hamstrings, and gluts still a part.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rowing Machine Exercises : How to do a Rowing Stroke Exercise on a Rowing Machine

Learn how to do the rowing stroke exercise using all 4 parts in this free exercise video on using a rowing machine for health and fitness training. Expert: Anna-Marie de Zwager Bio: Anna-Marie de Zwager has been a Canadian Olympic rower for the past five years. She comes from an athletic background, participating in such sports as field hockey (5 yrs. Filmmaker: Melissa Schenk

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Marcos Fonseca Demo Hip Hop classes, video clips of hip hop classes, workshops and master classes.Marcos, born in the wonderful Rio de Janeiro one of the most dynamic and rhythmic cities in the world, a Graduate in Physical Education, he has previously competed professionally in Judo, Rowing, Swimming etc.. He has been involved in the teaching profession for many years, both living and teaching in various major cities and countries. These include Rio de Janeiro, Madrid, New York, Portugal, Australia, Hong Kong and United Kingdom. A dancer from childhood, he became involved and specialized in the industry of Aerobics and Fitness due to his strong attraction toward movement and the physical benefits that it brings. He became an ambassador of Fitness around the world teaching Funk and Hip Hop as well as Aerobic, Step and Latin Rhythm Aerobic, not only because of his physical ability, but also because of his teaching technique and dynamic rhythm that crosses his veins and brings to light his sensuality, mysticism and Brazilian heat. Marcos has been from the early 90´sa presenter in conventions, workshops, conferences and master classes on Aerobics, Fitness related topics, and sports marketing, in different parts of Brazil his native country, as well as throughout the American continent, Europe, Australia and Africa. He has been a technical manager of Fitness formation courses in associations and federations in Spain, Portugal and United Kingdom. He has also been a professor in ...

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Best Ab Machine Review

!±8± Best Ab Machine Review

Here is The Best Ab Machine Review. The most honest review you will ever read is right here, plus the weird thing is we all already own one.

First, let me ask you a very basic question: Do you want an ab machine, or do you actually want the sexy, ripped abdominals?

It may seem like a stupid question, but some people don't realize the difference. Here is the punch line:

Ever single human already has a wicked six pack, some of ours are just covered up by fat!

Even young guys who are already lean but don't have a six pack just have a small layer of fat covering their abs, same with girls.

What an ab machine does, is it works out your abs, but that is like a guitarist trying to get awesome by only playing one chords, you are just constantly exercising one muscle.

What you NEED to be doing is burning away the body fat that is already covering up your abs, that is how you get a six pack, not by rocking away on some machine for a few minutes a day.

So what is this ab machine we already own?

It is your own body. This is the best ab machine ever because it can burn away all the body fat that is covering up your abs, plus it can do ab workouts without a machine to make your abs bigger or smaller.

If you are serious about getting that sexy, lean six pack, let me help you starting right now. If you are sick of hunting for information and being fed bogus lies and want results now, let me help.

Best Ab Machine Review

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine

!±8± Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine

Brand : Concept2 | Rate : | Price : $900.00
Post Date : Nov 01, 2011 16:19:17 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Manufactured by the company that set the standard in rowing, the Concept2 Model D Indoor Rower delivers proven performance and fitness benefits. Concept2 Indoor Rowers are used worldwide by Olympic athletes, cardiac rehab patients, and every caliber of rower in between. Rowing provides superb total-body cardiovascular conditioning in a smooth impact-free exercise. A great investment, this commercial-grade machine is recommended for home use and supported with free online motivational tools such as the Concept2 online logbook, rowing challenges and training forum. The self-calibrating Performance Monitor (PM3), included with each Model D, displays workout data, five display options, a LogCard to record results, games and more! Every Concept2 Indoor Rower comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and limited 2-year parts, 5-year frame warranty.

  • Indoor rowing machine with sliding seat for complete total body workouts
  • Quiet flywheel minimizes noise while providing smooth feel of water rowing
  • Lets rowers choose between sleek, fast boat and slow, heavy boat
  • PM3 performance monitor tracks your distance, speed, pace, and calories
  • Requires footprint of 9 x 4 feet; 500-pound capacity; 5-year frame warranty

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Benefit From a Rowing Machine Workout

!±8± Benefit From a Rowing Machine Workout

Are you thinking about starting a rowing machine workout routine so that you can get in shape? There are a lot of great reasons that you should use one of these machines, and it is by far one of the best ways to get a full body workout. If you are someone who is looking for a way to lose weight and want to gain some strength in the process, then you will want to make sure you know of some of the great benefits that you will be able to receive when you use a rowing machine.

One great benefit you will be able to receive from using one of the air rowing machines that are available is stamina. This is a great way to build up the amount of stamina you have which will allow for you to be able to go longer. You will find that when you increase the amount of stamina you have, your energy level will also increase. This means you will not feel so tired and groggy all of the time. There are other benefits you will be able to get as well.

Using a rowing machine involves doing a lot of cardio. That means you will be able to burn off a lot of calories depending on the duration of your workout. If you are on a proper diet and you do exercise that burns calories then you will be able to lose weight as a result. Another great benefit is the total body strength that you will be able to build up while using this workout machine. The muscles in your arms will definitely be affected but you will also notice your abs and other muscles starting to tighten up as well. You will not only be able to lose weight but you will be able to gain strength while using one of these exercise machines.

These are just a few of the great benefits you will be able to receive when you start your rowing machine workout. Whether you are trying to build your stamina up, lose weight, or gain strength, you will be able to get exactly what you are looking for from this one of these workout machines. If you are looking for one for your home gym then take a look at the air rowing machines that are available and decide which one will work the best for your workout routine.

Benefit From a Rowing Machine Workout

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Rowing Machine Exercise - What Are the Benefits?

!±8± Rowing Machine Exercise - What Are the Benefits?

Training with a rowing machine (ergo often than by rowers) brings many benefits, depending on what you are going to reach the goal. Ergos are a great way to lose weight, because they allow you to work continuously for a long time. Because rowing is a sport of strength-resistance training machine rowing not only to build cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, but also because each shot requires the use of more than 84% of the muscles. It is recommended to optimize trainingdepending on what your ultimate goal is, in order to get the most benefits of rowing machine workout.

Things to note:
In this guide I will refer to "split" and "rate". "Split" is how long it will take you to row 500 meters. So if you had a split of 2:00, you would row 500 meters in 2 minutes or 2000 meters in 8 minutes. "Rate" refers to the number of strokes you are taking per minute. So if you were rating 30 strokes per minute, then you would be taking 2 seconds per stroke.

Goal 1 - Weight Loss
If losing weight is your goal, then consistent intensity for extended periods of time is the best option. For example, you could row at 16 to 20 strokes per minute for 20:00 - 30:00 minutes. You should choose a target split before you begin each row. At 20 strokes per minute for 30 minutes, you should be aiming for a split of around 2:20 - 2:30 if you are a beginner or 2:00 and less if you are experienced or fit.

Goal 2 - Muscle Building
Unfortunately, rowing machines are not the ideal exercise if you are purely trying to build strength, you should try using weight machines. However, if you want to build muscular endurance, then rowing machines are one of the best exercises because you use about 84% of your muscles each stroke. For pure endurance, you can do a similar program as above. To build some strength at the same time, the important thing is to aim for a low split with a low rate. Having a high rate for your rowing machine workout will work you aerobically. Aim for around 2:00 - 2:15 split with a rate of 16 - 18 strokes per minute. Again, this will depend on how strong you are.

To achieve maximum benefit of rowing machine workout and to prevent injury, it is very important to use the rowing machine with correct technique. A common mistake made by beginners is overusing the upper body. Proper technique involves using the large leg muscles for most of the drive, using the arms and body to finish the stroke. Overusing the upper body can lead to injuring the lower back which is bad, obviously.

Rowing Machine Exercise - What Are the Benefits?

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kettler Favorit Rowing Machine

!±8±Kettler Favorit Rowing Machine

Brand : Kettler
Rate :
Price : $365.00
Post Date : Sep 23, 2011 06:35:18
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Rowing is a particularly balanced form of training which exercises all the main muscle groups and increases personal stamina and endurance. In addition, rowing stimulates the matabolism and raises the oxygen content of the body. The many benefits for both strength and general fitness combined with the natural sequence of movements make rowing one of the most effective types of exercise. The KETTLER Favorit are fitted with rowing arms and hydraulic resistance systems. Fitted with easily understandable display electronics which give the user information on important data such as number and speed of strokes and the pulse rate during exercise.

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

WaterRower Oxbridge Rowing Machine in Cherry with S4 Monitor

!±8± WaterRower Oxbridge Rowing Machine in Cherry with S4 Monitor

Brand : Water Rower | Rate : | Price : $1,189.00
Post Date : Sep 03, 2011 07:07:15 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The WaterRower Oxbridge is handcrafted from solid Cherry wood, finished with danish oil. The WaterRower's patented WaterFlywheel has been specifically designed to emulate the dynamics of a boat moving though water and is unsurpassed in its simulation of the physical and physiological benefits of rowing.

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